Heart Murmurs in Children

Have you been told that your child has a heart murmur? More likely, there is no need for concern because heart murmurs in children are very common and most of these are benign or innocent heart murmurs

First of all, a heart murmur is an extra noise produced by the heart. Normally, when listening to the heart with a stethoscope, we can hear only the first and second heart sounds, which sounds like "lub-dub". An extra noise between the "lub" and the "dub" is a heart murmur.

Heart murmurs can be heard even at birth and throughout childhood and the teenage years. When your doctor or healthcare provider tells you that the child's heart murmur is innocent, then that means the child's heart is normal. 

Innocent heart murmurs are benign, which means that it does not cause any symptoms and does not affect the child's growth or physical activity. It also comes and goes, which means sometimes the doctor hears it during some visits but not at every visit, especially if it is very soft or faint.

Innocent heart murmurs can be louder when there is fever or stress, but that is still not concerning. 

Also, most of the innocent heart murmurs in children will disappear as they grow older. But remember that some adults will still have innocent heart murmurs.

If a heart murmur sounds abnormal, then your child might need an evaluation by a pediatric cardiologist or a heart specialist for children. 



Christopher Climaco, M.D. Pediatrician and Pediatric Cardiologist practicing in Cookeville, Tennessee, USA

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