Talking to Your Children About the Coronavirus

In recent months, a new type of coronavirus named COVID-19 has been causing outbreaks of respiratory disease. The risk for getting this virus has been increasing as it spreads rapidly throughout the world, including the United States.

Although the symptoms in children are mild, it is still important to speak to the young kids about the coronavirus. By providing accurate information about the disease to their families, parents can help to reduce the risk of illness. 

Here are a few tips on how to talk to your child about this highly contagious virus:

Don’t wait to talk. To treat the coronavirus seriously, getting ahead of the curve is essential. If your child has social media, they may be receiving exaggerated or misleading information, so now is the time to make sure that they are well-informed. 

Keep conversations positive. Filtering out the junk on news channels and social media platforms is important. Be sure to tell your children reassuring and important facts rather than overloading them with every new headline. For example, instead of telling your children that there are no vaccines available, tell them that researchers are actively working on a cure.

Be a good role model. Follow the CDC's guidelines found here, and make clear to your children that they can fight the virus themselves by practicing handwashing and social distancing.

Christopher Climaco, M.D. Pediatrician and Pediatric Cardiologist practicing in Cookeville, Tennessee, USA

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