Blog Archive

Proper Use of Digital Media by Young Children Feb 23rd, 2024

Today's advances in technology can help us a lot in our daily lives, but we need to be aware that the minds of young children are easily influenced by their exposure to digital media, including television, mobile devices, and video games. There has been a lot of research that digital...

Sleep Hygiene for Kids Jul 21st, 2021

Can you believe it is already time to discuss establishing good bedtime routines to prepare children for returning to school! While it feels like summer just started, sure enough it is time to start thinking about how to get our families schedules back on track. This season of staying up...

Tick Safety Tips Jun 18th, 2021

Little known fact, ticks are actually not insects but parasitic arachnids (related to spiders). They feed off the blood of mammals, birds, and reptiles. There are over 100 different kinds of ticks but there are only a handful that actually bite humans. Ticks typically are found in grassy, bushy, or...

COVID-19 Vaccines for Children Jun 12th, 2021

The COVID pandemic has affected all of us globally for more than a year in very significant ways. We are longing to return to our normal lives and livelihoods. Probably the most important path to achieving normalcy is by getting the COVID-19 vaccine.  In the United States, 42 percent of...

Headaches in Children Jun 8th, 2021

Because headaches are very common in children, parents need to know the possible triggers for headaches and what they can do to prevent them. Some headaches are primary such as migraines and tension-type headaches. When headaches are due to other causes, such as infections, these are called secondary headaches. It...

Summertime Safety Tips Jun 8th, 2021

As the weather is warming up and we are spending more time outdoors there are some things we can do to make sure that our kids are enjoying summertime safely.  Three of the biggest concerns for kids during the summer are sun protection, swimming safety, and hydration. However, with a...

Well Child Visits Matter May 25th, 2021

Generally, no one disputes that there is value in seeing the doctor when your children are sick. It can be harder to understand the value of a clinic visit when your children seem well.  I understand this way of thinking but I am hoping to shed some light on why...

What to expect when you are expecting (from a pediatric provider's point of view) May 10th, 2021

Congratulation on entering this last phase of your pregnancy! We know you are excited to meet this little human you have been busy growing for the last 9 months. We can't wait to meet them too! As pediatric providers and parents ourselves we know that this season of your life...

Toddler Nutrition May 5th, 2021

Ever since your baby's 6 month visit you have been able to proudly proclaim that your child is a great eater. They love every food they try and will eat anything you put in front of them. You feel like you have unlocked some parenting secret and are so glad...

Parent Tips for Teen Mental Health Apr 19th, 2021

The past year has been especially hard for many of us.  We have been busy trying to keep ourselves together as parents and unbeknownst to us many of our teens have been suffering along side us. Teenagers do not always express their feelings in characteristic ways and many suffer in...

Keeping your kids safe online Apr 16th, 2021

 Parents today are being tasked with figuring out how to set safe boundaries for their kids online while also giving them access to the technology that is going to be a vital part of their lives going forward. This is really uncharted teritorty for parents today, since most of us...

Good Hand Hygiene Mar 28th, 2020

As the COVID-19 or coronavirus infection spreads rapidly in many communities, we need to do our part in slowing or stopping the spread of this virus. This will help to protect us and the people around us.  For hand hygiene, here are the most important things we should do at...

Talking to Your Children About the Coronavirus Mar 23rd, 2020

In recent months, a new type of coronavirus named COVID-19 has been causing outbreaks of respiratory disease. The risk for getting this virus has been increasing as it spreads rapidly throughout the world, including the United States. Although the symptoms in children are mild, it is still important to speak...

Heart Murmurs in Children Mar 11th, 2020

Have you been told that your child has a heart murmur? More likely, there is no need for concern because heart murmurs in children are very common and most of these are benign or innocent heart murmurs.  First of all, a heart murmur is an extra noise produced by the...